By Asil Ibrahim, Communications Officer, Palestine
On Tuesday, July 13, 2021, the ILF’s Palestine team was featured in a virtual side event during the United Nations High-level Political Forum to discuss Resilient Recovery through Local Action on SDG16+.

The ILF, for the second year in a row, was selected as one of four finalists along with Afghans for Progressive Thinking (APT), Women in Alternative Action (WAA), and Free Press Unlimited (FPU) in the Voices of SDG16+ video campaign, which asked individuals and organizations around the world to share videos showcasing the work they are doing to advance SDG16+.
The pandemic is not over and our fight has continued over the past year in Palestine and around the world. In Palestine, the ILF team has navigated strict lockdown measures and advocated at the highest levels of government for swift action to protect the rights, safety, and liberties of people accused of crimes amidst COVID-19 with a particular focus on children. Our video, Justice for Children, Justice for All, focuses on this work. It highlights that if we want to build a peaceful, just, and inclusive society, we must ensure that everyone has meaningful access to justice--and that means access to quality legal aid.
Watch our winning video:
A key focus of the ILF is to bring local realities, expertise, and perspectives to international conversations on criminal justice reform--a mission that is shared by the Voices of SDG16+ campaign. That is why the ILF in Palestine has taken an active role in coordinating the Voices of SDG16+ Alumni group, which brings together a diverse group of individuals and organizations working on the frontlines to advance SDG16+ around the world. We look forward to continuing our work with the SDG16+ campaign and other incredible organizations that are fighting for justice globally.
Click here to watch the full virtual event co-hosted by Article 19, CSPPS, GPPAC, IPI, Life & Peace Institute, NAMATI, Pax Christi International, Saferworld, DHRI, Peace Direct, The TAP Network, and World Vision.